It has been 12 years since Amber and I purchased our first house.

We were babies, and exploited the financial collapse to buy a house we otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford.

I don't say this often enough, so let me say it here:

I am moderately successful, almost entirely due to luck.

I got a few lucky breaks. I managed to capitalize on them. I've worked hard, don't get me wrong, but hard work is rarely enough and I've been incredibly lucky.


@ajroach42 Same here. I think it's good to try and help others run into some "luck" if you can. Many times I've provided opportunities for people and you just never know who will seize them.

@daniel that's where the bulk of my energy goes these days.

Who can I lift up? Who's life can I improve?

We've been helping friends and employees buy homes, for example, or helping to forestall evictions when folks are struggling.

A break goes a long way sometimes.

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