Last week was planning at work. That was hard.

On top of that, I do ... I mean, just so many things. And some of those were hard. We got more toys in and had to get them listed. We had equipment malfunctions. I worked on my tax returns.

And then there was the toy swap. Lots of driving, lots of lifting and stacking and standing on concrete and walking in the sun and then unstacking and lifting and repacking.

And then Doc Deathray showed up with a 27 foot cargo truck and a bandsaw.


and I made a flyer and finished booking a show and edited a video and worked on the sets and props and so on and so forth.

I've been overwhelmed, stressed. This week should be less of that. I'm taking back over some old job functions so that I can sunset that team, while the dude who was doing this stuff starts a new team with some new job functions.

I don't want to re-assume responsibility for the technical operations team.

I handed it off because I had more work to do and also because I hated it.

But they guy I handed it off to has barely kept up, isn't automating, and doesn't say no to things.

His knowledge is more useful elsewhere, and I'm more effeceint than he is, so I'm taking back over while we sunset this group.

It'll be easy, but it'll also be infuriating, until I manage to automate us out of this hole and transition the rest of this work away.

Because I've been stressed, I've been watching a bunch of trash holywood films, and some hammer monsters, and some kung fu flicks. 40s - 90s. Not a lot of public domain stuff this round, because I've seen nearly all of that that falls in to any of the genres I care anbout.

It's an easy de-stressor for me, and a good way for me to refresh and brainstorm on TV production stuff.

This is good. It's useful, it's entertaining, and I can call it research, but it is not living my values.

There are not enough avenues for discovery of actual independent films, much less open licensed stuff.

I watch OSI74 and Means.TV (both distribute independent productions, but under traditional copyright.) but I've seen most of what's there that ticks my boxes.

This is why I'm working on and why we're making TV and film.

But it's also good to talk about it.

There are some good independent productions out there that are not open licensed. Their existence is good, even if it doesn't go far enough for my taste.

Stuff like Manos The Hands of Felt, for example ( )

Any piece of media made outside the influence of a major corporation is a radical act.

These includes things like The Backrooms (horror)

and The Vast of Night (trailer, distributed by Amazon)

and The Exegency (one man 3D animation using 2000 era software?)

and dozens of other things released every year, the trick is finding them.

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