I believe that #retrocomputing is about more than nostalgia (which is fine on its own, too!).

I believe that it's also about a reaction to the truly sorry state of modern computing. Old computers didn't spy on you, they didn't beg you for micropayments, they just did what they were told. They were tools for work, for learning, for entertainment, not tools for the capitalists to control us even more than they already do.

I also believe that retrocomputing has a future; we are, as a community, more than smart enough to design and build our own new retro-inspired designs, and build for ourselves a computing world worth living in.


@mos_8502 This; however, capitalism really isn’t the root cause IMO. There were alternatives available when these systems were coming together, but most people were too lazy to be bothered to learn and use them. Many who did want to learn were not able to or were dissuaded by many of the horrible personalities in the tech sphere. These days I am seeing less and less of that and there is a spirit of kindness that you folks embody. It gives me hope.

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