A funny thing happened at small group tonight:

Person A) Hey, we should use group.me
me) groupme is ok, since you can always just use the web interface
Person B) What about BAND? That seems to be the really hot group chat app now with a lot of multimedia features
me) Hmm, it's got facebook telemetry, that's not a good look.
me) What about just continuing to use email?
group leader) man, I hate email. I'm on email all day
me) Yeah, I get that. What about just text?
Person C) Yeah, not a bad idea. Everybody's on iPhone, right?
me) wellll, no. But we could totally still --
Person C) Forget it. Let's just do WhatsApp. Everyone on that?
Person D) I'm not, but I can get back on it
me) I'm not, and won't be. They're owned by facebook.
Person C) Ok, everyone else on WhatsApp?
me) --
Person C) Ok, WhatsApp it is.
me) --
Group Leader) I'll still send out email notices
me) --


I could get frustrated or offended, but there's no glory there.
So I'm just going to keep on being me.
And loving my small group.


Sucks, don't it?

Like the NUMBER ONE consideration is how much rich media a solution affords, not privacy, ethics, or anything that's actually worth a darn.

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