SO I have this big programming project that I've been talking about for years.

I need a calendar-aware relational task manager with a basic crm/pim rolled into it.

Someone else could 100% do it better than me (and then i wouldn't understand how it works).

I wonder how much longer i'm gonna keep talking about it without actually managing to get (re-)started ...


@rose_myrtle It’s good to think it through, really define what you want, and have a crystal clear picture in your head. Once you do that, the code might only take a weekend. You could also use some kind of task manager that works with your calendar to really break it down🤦‍♂️ Making your own tools to make tools lol.

@daniel I reckon that since it's 2023, cheating and using chatGPT to write it (then open sourcing it) is fair game

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