
Redbox, but USB flash drives with DRM free movies at several quality levels. Would you use this service rather than pirating?


Big hidden factor: depends on which movies are available.

If it is only "Chronicles of Riddick" and Hollywood also-rans, no one will want it.

@amerika Well, USB storage can come in pretty small form factors. I bet one could fit a great many in a machine the size of a Redbox. People maybe could bring their own or purchase a blank drive. The box could contain a selection orders of magnitude larger than the Blu-ray/DVD version.

@daniel Why do the movies need to be on usb flash drives instead of being available via bittorrent or another P2P protocol really?

I don't mind paying for access to acceptably licensed and formatted movies (highest possible quality video+audio stream in a .mkv with subtitles) as long as there's an option to pay without running proprietary software.

@Suiseiseki There’s no reason why they couldn’t be downloaded from a network or the internet, but I believe that there is some value in physical media. There is some educational work done when people realize that data does actually live somewhere physical and it can be more censorship/disaster resistant. Also, tactile things just connect with people on a deeper, more primitive level.

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