I spend a bunch of hours this month reporting bugs, creating PR's and helping with what i can with Jolt, while creating a new move and slide. We are also undergoing a full rewrite of Liblast which is also fully open source.

I know is not as visible as an asset pack or an article, but i'm doing as much as my mental and physical health allow me to.

i made 139 dollars this month, around 110 went directly to my family.

If you want to support me, you can do it here:


Sorry for not working this weekend. I tried but my body is no cooperating anymore. I was able to continue the discussion about collision resolution but no more.

I am not being productive enough, but i don't know where to find more hours. I wake up around 9, have a coffee and start to work. I continue until around 5-6 AM I eat and have dinner (When i remember to) in front of the computer. I "sleep" 3 hours with luck and start again.

What i'm doing wrong?

How do you people get time to create awesome games, tools, art, handle a community etc? I'm just bad at what i do? Am i an impostor?


@YoSoyFreeman Comparing oneself to others can be a very damaging practice. It can be ok if you’re using it to learn better techniques, but as soon as you start telling yourself that you must be as good as someone else, you also tell yourself that you suck. That can become a cycle that is full of despair. Find joy in your accomplishments, be thankful and content. Love what you do, be consistent, and improve. Rest and don’t burn out. That is how the best do what they do.

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