I have been on Gemini since 2021, a few variations of my capsule have evolved over that time but its still me. Ive noticed a few of the advocates at the time, are not on Gemini now. I wonder why? Is it lack of discovery or connection with others that the web gives so easily now, or is it loss of interest? I doubt its the level of difficulty, yes you need to put the effort in creating information, but we are just talking about text files here. universal interface. #gemini #geminiprotocol


@ruenoak I haven't used it in a bit. I really liked most of Gemini's philosophy and haven't completely given up on it. The TLS requirement always bugged me and makes setup harder. Server hardware has to be beefier to deal with it too. Gemtext could have been markdown instead of creating yet another flavor of markup. Modern browsers are a nightmare of complexity, but requiring a new one to view Gemini is a hurdle. Something like XHTML solves a lot of the same problems.

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