I need a simple messaging system to install locally so I can get notifications from the #monitoring system when the inet goes down. Which one would be simpler to install? #xmpp? #irc? Something else?

I thought about this for a while and I'm going for #XMPP because in a few years my kids will have phone and will like to talk...

oh. OH.

I already have #nextcloud Talk! Stay tuned...


@mdione I’ve just discovered Nextcloud and like it, but run XMPP and IRC too. I like XMPP because I prefer protocols, but none of the clients work perfectly between each other. Nextcloud uses XMPP for chat I think and has been pretty seamless. IRC is simple and you could host a ton of people on a potato, but it’s unencrypted by default and you have to be online to get a message.

@daniel yeah, and like I said elsewhere, maybe I can introduce my kids to the same proto before they go to other social networks, I will stick with this one. I must support emojis and images.

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