I am living with some of the most liberal and lost people I have ever met and my heart just breaks for them. They know my stances but never have i ever really felt so laughed at and seen as "stupid" for my faith and beliefs than now. I find it strangely comforting though praise Jesus! I can relate to Him on a new level now! My heart is so burdened for this couple though. Prayers are appreciated.


@rastites This is probably how many believers felt when they moved to areas where the Gospel had never been proclaimed. People had never seen a life of faith firsthand and often laughed at it. However, given time, they saw the love and power of God through these believers and were inevitably drawn in. These people may have heard of Jesus, but now they have the opportunity to actually meet Him through you. We have overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies.

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