Do your research on prices when buying canned goods or any food item. I do most of my research online checking Amazon,Walmart,Target & local grocery stores & a trip to the local dollar store & I found Target to have the cheapest prices on most canned items in Colorado. You can spend a $1 or $2 on a can of something & slowly build up your preps over time based on your budget. Also get & store water. All preppers started with nothing. It is never too late to start but start NOW!


@coagain1 Truth. I've seen a few people get a little too into prepping, but by and large most people live their lives like everything is always going to be O.K. with no hiccups. Hopefully Covid19 made some people re-think that assumption. In the Toyota Production System(lean) excess inventory is seen as a waste because it has to be tracked and managed. I think this is pretty evident, because properly prepping is a lot of work. How do you draw the lines between contingency planning and excess?

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