
@neauoire @seaandsailor I’m really enjoying learning about lower level software and hardware and think I will be using Controllino for my hydronic heating and cooling system. Still interested in seeing what I can make run Uxn but I’m still very green. If you wanted to run a VM, but not on an OS, what would you call the piece of software that interprets for the VM to the hardware?

@daniel @seaandsailor an embedded program? That's how most uxn implementations(stm32, pico, etc.) work.

@neauoire @daniel you could also call your uxn implementation an interpreter, since when you run uxn software on your embedded platform it's not native software for that platform, but uxntal being interpreted to that platform.

@neauoire @seaandsailor Yes, how does that process work when you’re getting Uxn to work with new hardware? Do you have to find documentation for compiling C programs? How do peripheral devices get figured out?

@daniel @seaandsailor If you have a C toolchain for the hardware, you can just copy/paste the uxn.c file and create a new device(ex: termometer) and connect it(uxn_port) to a few port in the device page.

@daniel @neauoire @seaandsailor ....when you talk hardware ........I never know what you're saying- let alone understand if you're asking a question or stating facts🤣🤣🤣

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