@daniel @Eugene @Will I'm not tagging @bethany so she will not get upset with gun talk 🀣

@tymektt @daniel @sinbach right, because last time @Will and I talked about this, it went soooo well πŸ˜‚

@bethany @tymektt @daniel @sinbach we all know that secretly you love guns, but you need to save face and pretend to not like them πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

@Will @tymektt @daniel @sinbach I think we should all be grateful I have no access to a gun..

@bethany @tymektt @daniel @sinbach I would feel so bad for those standing around me... they were all so innocent πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

@daniel mine would be... "Was there lead in that bullet?"
Nothing on the target!

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