We have a bit of a problem: Pickling jars don't fare too well aboard Pino, the steel metal ring clamps corrodes extra fast. I wonder if we could replace it with parachord to hold the seal down, or find some sort of copper replacement ring clamps(does that even exist?)

Has anyone ever found an alternative?

@neauoire @rek I love those, that makes me think, what about a shelf with a top part that closes and is secured with clasps, applying just the right pressure on the jar lids, there could be different heights depending on the jars, a wooden mechanism might be a good direction to look into!

@ritualdust @rek they would have to be individual, since you don't want to open all of them at once. I was thinking maybe 2 wooden spars with grooves for a rope to hold it down?

@neauoire @ritualdust @rek It would be neat if you could build that into a storage system. Shims and a mallet might be the simplest way.

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