Electric cars are mana from heaven for manufacturers. You use encryption to make sure your cars won’t work with third-party batteries in the name of “safety”, you charge so much to replace the batteries that it’s not worth doing at all compared to car’s value, and boom - you’ve killed the market for cars over 10 years old. This will of course be an absolute fucking disaster for the environment of unimaginable proportions, but fuck you and your planet, right?

@Sophistifunk Someone more capable than myself should build aftermarket jet turbine gensets that can replace the batteries, while keeping the superior electric powertrain. Use green ammonia or whatever fuel you want. Plus, they sound futuristic.

@daniel pistons are better than turbines until you need a megawatt or so.


@Sophistifunk Well, I was thinking about weight, longevity, and coolness factor. I wonder how much difference there would be in two finely tuned systems?

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