sitting here eating fresh natural sourdough bread, door open, enjoying the last days of summer.

i just realized that the internet as it exists now is unsustainable. Not sure how i missed the absolute reality of that until now.
the era of the free internet as we have experienced it is over. it ended around 2016. it will now inevitably fracture into a completely centralized corporation/government internet, and a fringe, peoples internet.
the corporation/government net will allow the fringe net to exist as long as it poses no serious threat to their power and dominance. but if anything rises to challenge the central net, and is puts internet freedom back into the hands of the people, it will be attacked and destroyed by the corporate state. it will be labeled as “dangerous” to children, or climate, or “our democracy”, or something like that. maybe “ the terrorists”.
the reality will be, that more crime is happening on the fascist net using coded language and such. but that won’t matter. the attacks against the free net won’t be about protecting anything but corporate/state power.

In fact, it’s already happening.

also thinking it might be smart to start backing up certain software stacks to offline repos. we’ve grown accustomed to just being able to google search an irc daemon or xmpp server, find it, download and install it. the reality is, that could change must faster that anyone expects.
maybe time to do some digi-prepping.

@atyh It's not just the software either. Documentation on how to make it run and troubleshoot often lives in some old forum.

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