Get Rid of the Hitler, Keep the Volkswagen.
An extreme and definitive example of why I believe wokedom and cancel culture are destructive reactionary forces.
Lets talk about Hitler.
Yep. Im going there.
Adolf Hitler was a meth addicted murderous monster. And when meth addicted murderous monsters get into power, they do meth addicted murderous monster things. And if they happen to be german, with german sensibilities, and german gifting for engineering and efficiency, the result is murder with mass scale efficiency.
Horrifying doesnt cover it.
A dark dark moment in human history.
Hitler also created the Peoples Car. The Volks Wagen.
The Volkswagen is one of the most amazing vehicles ever made. Not for its speed, or its precision engineering, or even its appearance. It is amazing, because one person can maintain one with makeshift tools. One person can remove the motor by themselves, and because of its modular design, repair the engine with just a few tools. They were mass produced in such a way that the average person could afford one. We have NOTHING like that today. Imagine an electric vehicle built with modular open source parts which are readily available, that the average person can repair by themselves, which cost less than $10,000. That is what Hitler created. And then, he murdered millons of people in ovens.
What woke culture and cancel culture does is throw the good out with the evil to try to appear virtuous to friends. Its shallow, perfomative, and destructive. The wise person would remove the Hitler, and keep the Volkswagen. But not the woke. They would not only remove the volkswagen, they would also call anyone who drive one a hitler lover.
Woke is stupid.
Im thinking this way, because I am exploring Urbit.
And I have encountered people who have called it a "nazi platform".
They say this because its creator is.... shall we say... an unusual person with some strange ideas.
And somehow, because this dude, who is no longer even associated with the project, had views they dont like, they are going to reject the entire technology stack. Even though it has great potential to provide autonomy and agency to a wide diversity of people.
That isnt virtue. That is stupidity.
Get rid of the Hitler, keep the Volkswagen.