Okay, this is one for my @SDF folks.

I've become more and more persuaded by the #FOSS movement because I am SICK of not actually owning the devices I buy.

So please just tell me, a somewhat tech savvy novice (I don't know that much about software, but I am quick on the uptake and do my own research) that it's a good idea to switch to using #Linux.

I have imposter syndrome that says if I'm not a developer or tech person, I shouldn't be allowed. Tell me I'm wrong.


@SarahAnneDipity Linux does not require creating an account to start the operating system, unlike Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Linux is also free to install and customize. It also doesn't spy on you like Windows and Mac.

Linux may be harder to install on a Mac than a regular PC. There is no one version of Linux, rather there are many different packaged customizations called "distrobutions" or "distros". One I would recommend is Linux Mint:

Ty for the recommendation! I had heard that Mint is a popular choice for newbies.

And yeah, I think ultimately it will be worth it, even if there's a learning curve... I am so done with exactly what you said: having to make an account and be tethered to whatever company owns the software...complete with basically having to actually *agree* to let them spy on me. If getting away from that means I have to put in a little more effort, at this point I'm more than willing to do that.


@SarahAnneDipity @jamesp Curious to know how it goes and wish you luck. Cinnamon on Linux Mint is IMO the easiest out of the box distro for most people.

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