
I've been in the #openSource scene for a long time. From BEFORE this was even called "open-source" — back BEFORE the phrase "open-source" even got coined and became common.

Here is a problem with most open-source software projects have, including most #Fediverse software —


• there are no or very, very few:

• UX researchers,
• UI designers,
• illustrators,
• industrial researchers,
• QA specialists,
• project managers,
• strategists.

This is bad!

If you want to produce 'good' software that people will want to and like using, you need these people!

Someone needs to do these roles!

Some software developers can also do some of these roles. And that is awesome. But most software developers cannot

I see this same problem with a lot of #Fediverse software, too


@reiver 💯 I am not very good at this. When you run into great UI/UX people basically don't notice it.

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