What’s the Best Way to Store Data for Decades or Centuries? Bottom line: No Technology that is Easy or Practical

The concern keeps coming up (I’ve also been pondering it a lot and posted in this last week what I’ve been doing).

This linked article does sum up the essentials very well, and this helps illustrate why this is a challenge for 20 or 60 years or especially ...continues

See gadgeteer.co.za/whats-the-best

#archiving #technology


@danie10 I've put a lot of stuff on archival paper with Optar.

Printed out the source code too.
Maybe my great grandkids will be able to ask their equivalent of ChatGPT to take this and show them what it is. Can't go wrong with physical pictures though.

@daniel yep they would not find (or notice) the source code left stored on one of many hard drives. Printed on paper meant it did mean something to you.

I remember years ago when filing code we had saved it onto a floppy disc and also printed the code onto paper, which was then filed with the disc inside the paper folder.

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