Hypothetically speaking, if there was an "atheist" school, what would be the difference between that and current state/secular schools

@rose_myrtle current state/secular schools vary, but a lot of them seem to be teaching students indirectly that THEY are the the gods of their life. Life is about themselves, their dreams, their ideas and desires. Truth is subjective. I don't really think of atheists as being very similar.

@daniel out of curiousity, if an atheist isn't someone who believes they're the god of their own life, what's the difference?

not trying to pick an argument, to be clear - just trying to figure out why people don't think of secular schools as 'atheist'


@rose_myrtle No arguments😎 Secular schools (at least here) are only secular in name. In actuality, they are leftist. Leftism is itself a religion, and these days, it is more vigorous at proselytizing than Christianity.

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