I've been thinking about sin and sinners after studying the parable of the two debtors in bible study(Luke 7). The below is my current thoughts. Constructive criticisms from a Christian Theological perspective welcome:
- sin is relational.
- We don't want anyone to be sinners, we want all to be righteous.
- Be humble. Our pride makes us biased regarding our sins and the sins of others.
- One shouldn't look at a sinner with a heart of revenge/grudge.
- repentence, reconciliation, mercy should be the goal. Just punishment for the unrepentant.
- Before repentence comes a realisation of wrong doing (by modes such as: divine revelation, warning of a prophet, self realisation and faith in God)
- It is good to communicate a need to repent but be wise, it depends on context, duration, audience and mission.
- Repentence occours before reconciliation.
- The repentant sinner holds a special place of intamacy with God.
- Sin has negative consequences regardless of reconciliation or punishment.
Biblical reasoning for the above:
Jonah in Ninevah
- Jonah's incorrect view of the sinner. Getting revenge via just punishment by preventing reconciliation/warnings.
- God's view of the sinner. Reconciliation and repentence desired. Warnings given, punishment via Justice as a last recourse.
Daniel in Babylon
- Acts as Gods Prophet and dream interpreter to the King and doesn't call on Babylon to repent in the same was as Jonah. Different context, duration, audience and mission.
Babylonian Exile and Annias & Saphias
- God warns and punishes his own people if sinful.
Parable of the Lost Son.
- Older brother incorrect view of the sinner. Bearing a grudge post reconciliation and ignorant of his own sin.
- Young brother. Sins, repents and comes home. Repentence is part of reconciliation. Although the consequence of the prior actions isn't undone (he's had his half share of the property, he doesn't get another half)
Jesus Annointed by a Sinful Woman
- Pharisee's incorrect view was a repentant sinner shouldn't touch a prophet.
- Jesus's view is a gratitude for forgiven sins and faith grants intimate access to prophet/Jesus/God.
- we have all sinned
The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- We often think of ourselves as more than we are and others less than they are.
#sin #Christian #theology
note: if you are a secular person reading this the rough equivelent to sin=toxic and righteous=healthy. Though it misses out on the relational aspect of sin/righteous.

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