i feel a bit sorry for my oldest kid at the moment. She's an incredibly skilled artist (draw-er, paint-er) - at 12, she draws and paints better than nearly every adult I know...

but she's grappling with the reality of whether it's even worth developing her talent, given that GPT art is exploding and her skills will be obsolete in the world she's growing into.


@rose_myrtle @rose_myrtle At some point, barring a world war, pretty much everything we can do will be able to be done better by machines. Being able to find joy and contentment from the work of your hands is such a valuable gift from God. It builds confidence, thankfulness, and an appreciation of our modern society. Teach her to learn, push herself, and not fall into the trap of comparing herself to others or processes that took generations to develop. Those who will most successfully be able to wield this new technology will be the ones who understand the fundamentals and how it came to be. Reinventing the wheel is partially necessary in every generation.

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