Ok, I was yesterday days old when I learned how simple it can be to make biscuits from scratch. Three ingredients --flour, butter, milk--it's a mess, but it works.
They weren't pretty, but they were mighty tasty!! 😋
Next time I'll include salt, though, and possibly grated cheddar cheese. 😄

@chiasm so we are talking the bread thing here right, and not the cookies? Just because cookies with cheese does sound a bit weird to me.

@sotolf Sorry. American biscuits? bready type things eaten with the meal but not as dessert. 😄

@chiasm @sotolf

That does explain why there was no sugar mentioned. When I make biscuits it's mostly sugar 😆

@pre @sotolf The joys of international cooking and its communication! 🤣 I'm used to British English "biscuits" being cookies and I guess they don't have a word for American biscuits? But I forget the rest of the world thinks similarly. 😆

I should have said US::biscuit, to be specific in the namespace!


@chiasm @pre @sotolf The closest thing I can think of would be the “cut rounds” that they used to make in Devon. Very similar to what we call biscuits.

@daniel @pre @sotolf that's generally a US::biscuit! though a complicated one...

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