I get some remarks about the fact that smolweb.org recommends to not use JavaScript at all.
I'm conscious that it is a strong constraint and that, sometimes, it could help to build better sites. But opening the door to JavaScript is access to bloat websites, user tracking and a whole world of abuse.

Would it be a good idea to label as #smolweb a website including JavaScript if it guarantees that it will still work if the browser disables JavaScript?

#smallweb #indieweb

@adele As long as it's hosted on the same server and written in plain javascript.

In that case the website doesn't have to work without JavaScript, because it can enable an interactive website to work offline.

I would call thomasto.space/weightle/ smollweb. It's a single file, you can download it and use it offline. But it does rely on javascript and doesn't work without it.


@thomastospace @adele @bastelwombat
Very much agree with your comments. I do favor the ability to easily download the site for offline use too!

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