
Since I started training for a marathon, I've been transitioning to minimal/barefoot shoes because there is a convincing amount of evidence that suggests that modern shoes increase injury. It reminded me of the 2000 year old Roman shoes that were found in a well. Wow.

My previous running buddy was a barefoot runner. Only time he would even wear Lunas or other minimal shoe was in winter. Otherwise it was straight feet to the ground. He runs marathons and ultras all the time. He just completed the Western States Endurance Run, and not too long ago completed the Florida 200.

He moved away several years ago, and since then, I've had a back surgery that prevents me from running anymore. All a big fat bummer.

@christopher That’s pretty extreme! I dabbled in barefoot in 2003, but only was able to run 2-3 miles before my feet hurt. It was a really weird thing to do then, but now looks less crazy. That’s a shame about your back. Don’t underestimate walking. I’ve had back injuries that hopefully won’t stop me. After such a long hiatus from running, it occurred to me that I might lose the ability if I didn’t act now.

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