I got some 100GB M-Discs for Christmas and will be making cold backups for family. Mostly pictures and video.

Planning to use something like dvdisaster to write error-correcting code (ECC) data to the disks.

Supposedly the M-Discs are good for 1,000 years if stored properly, but I'd be happy with "lifetime". I know most blue-rays written when they first came out (~2005) are still good to this day, so if these last even a few times longer, I'll be good.


@eriner This really is the best publicly available cold storage we have at this point. I do this with regular Blu-ray, but do not have the process perfected. It really can get quite complicated, which is what you want to avoid. A lot of the knowledge in this area is rapidly disappearing from the internet. There’s a whole generation that hasn’t been exposed to optical storage. I’ve used par2, which isn’t bad, but settled with ZFS.

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