Im old enough to remember when you could expect an appliance to last 15 to 20 years. Our washer is 7 years old and its leaking. We know a guy who fixes them. He said 7 years is very good, many only last 4 to 5 years now. So I guess fixing it may be a waste. My SIL has lived in her house for 21 years and just bought her 4th set. Its disgusting.


The appliance repair guy told me that for washers and dryers, buy a Speed Queen.

Made in the USA.

Rugged design.

Should last 20-25 years.

Most other brands are not designed to last.

@daniel @Phil

Also, my brother purchased a Laundromat a few years ago.

He got rid of the few Maytag units that were there.

All of his machines now are Speed Queen.

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