It seems weird compared to now, but there wasn’t much homelessness where and when I grew up. Winston-Salem was around 150k people. The small number of people who chose the lifestyle sort of became well known and people helped them out. This lady, known as Night Rider or Bicycle Lady, has been in the public eye for around 35 years. She was recently attacked and is in critical condition. Once upon a time, she was a teacher, but lost a child and was never the same mentally.

What’s better than a T480 running FreeBSD? Three T480’s running FreeBSD!

I was in town and near the FreeBSD Foundation address, so I decided to drop by. It’s just a mailbox.

Heidi has been playing with the wood carvings her great grandfather made. I wonder if he had that in mind while working on them.

@mary is drinking from some glasses we got from Arby’s in the late 90’s.

I seems weird that the time between now and the release of the movie Elf is greater than the time between Elf and A Christmas Story.

We had a wonderful Friendsgiving last night and @mary made a word scramble in Libreoffice. I didn’t get #5 right…

If you like finding buried treasure, surveying might be for you. Thank God for metal detectors!

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!