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Taco Bell 

I just ran across an old picture of a custom order back when my wife had a tack/leather shop.The preacher's daughter was an employee and didn't understand pop culture reference, so my wife showed her the scene and had her make it 😂!

Just re-watched Bicentennial Man with the Misses and it got so much right! I spent a fair bit of my childhood in the upper part of a movie theatre being an assistant projectionist and, even though the place is torn down now, my love of movies remains. Some movies have this re-watchable quality and power about them and they seem to be able to shape and improve lives. Out of the absolute sea of media that we have today, what movies would you save and consider a benefit to posterity?

Brother-in-law’s family is watching the kids tonight for a parents night out! What will my beautiful bride and I do with three hours to ourselves?

This looks pretty cool. Never gone on a couple week camping trip, but something like this would do nicely.

Took a couple day trip to Glenwood Springs with the family. The pups had a great time too!

Dusted off a concrete form system that I engineered back in 2008. It is much cheaper than the system I am using on my house, but no one wants to give planning approval/lend money for things that are unconventional. Makes me sad. I look at all of the crazy stuff built in the 70's and 80's and wonder if we will ever get back to such a creatively bold time. I might be able to sneak this into a barn or stables.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!