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Was thinking about what blockchain/cryptocurrency technology might look like in a pre-electronics world. Carrier pigeons, human computers, libraries? Obviously things would be much slower, but I wonder if it would have been practical for some use cases.

Who doesn’t like running in and out of cold storage on a hot day?

Lately in life I have been noticing a needless, ever-growing complexity of things. Things that should be simple take a lot of time, or are impossible, to understand. Reasons are given, of course, such as quality, scalability, etc. The over-complication of something is a good sign that evil is present. The Gospel of Christ was delivered to us in a way that anyone could understand and share. I think church autonomy is vital and this Docent Group stinks.

Taco Bell 

I just ran across an old picture of a custom order back when my wife had a tack/leather shop.The preacher's daughter was an employee and didn't understand pop culture reference, so my wife showed her the scene and had her make it 😂!

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!