Nostr:acd1f62fad47b98657ac57e91c34613201d0ad273f331b67799874b887c42c60Marathon Training:
The end of an era. To go from a tavern-like house setting to a cold boxy commercial joint seems like a step down.
Found some old photos of my grandfather and me. He won states in New Hampshire for pole vaulting in 1938. I wonder if I can still do it?
It was 90°F yesterday…
Nope, nope, nope.
Elk herd!
A few more pics from our latest trip.
My mom joined in one day!
We got some good play in at a park in my hometown.
Sometimes you just forget about a box. Personal record!
@M0YNG Ran into my late grandfather’s call sign while visiting my parents.
A picture from when I was about Heidi’s age. My folks are just eating it up.
I and the family made a trip across the country to celebrate my mom’s retirement! Tomorrow is her last day.
We Do Camps!