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We’re heading out east for my brother’s wedding, just saw a Mastodon shirt!

Thought this might be a good idea and it already exists. This can solve several problems in the new house.
1.) Moving materials during the build. Will have to install 2 for the carts and a wench at the top.
2.) Accessibility for aging parents, when the time comes.
3.) Water removal for a weird roof detail.
4.) Bikes?

@mary and I found a new sitter for Heidi so we can go out for a bit together each week. The sitter is 22 and she's trying to finish up school, go out on her own, and she's pretty ambitious and successful. She's mentioned having baby fever and wanting a family and it struck me at how natural, good, and rare that is these days. Most of society would label her as crazy, or at least it would put a black mark on her in the dating scene.

I didn't want to Frankenstein together a bike for my wife, so I got one online and put it together this afternoon. I learned a few things.

1) The bike is too big for her at 57cm(she is 5'9"), but it is fine for me.
2) Presta valves are a thing.
3) Hauling a child comfortably will require more gears.
4) This is a pretty good single speed. I was pleasantly surprised that it was geared fairly high.
5) It was not relaxing or very comfortable to ride, though 5 miles in 20 mins was nice.

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us muck around and be glad in it!

Found a USB stick that I dropped in my field around 4 years ago…no way it works after all the sun, rain, and snow?

Not all scrap piles are equal. I hit the mother load today! Not scrapping these, but they might find their way into my house.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!