Found my first cellphone while looking for my multimeter. I really didn't want one at the time, but it was getting socially awkward. Definitely didn't like smartphones because they seemed like a Swiss Army knife; could do a lot, but nothing well. Then the iPhone pretty much changed that. Talk about being wrong! How many devices does a phone replace these days?
For me it began when when I was 7-10 and came almost exclusively from movies and books, though my librarian had been part of the civil rights movement and told us stories. Freedom was something mentioned often in church, but at that age it didn't really click. The Call of the Wild, White Fang, Little House Books, Roots, Snow Treasure, and The Dairy of Anne Frank all seemed to have had a profound impact on me.
Just woke up from a crazy dream where @Gargron had set up a James Hallidayesque competition on the Fediverse and me and the friends were having a great time...then Heidi woke me up🙂
Marathon Training: