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Ran into my late grandfather’s call sign while visiting my parents.

A picture from when I was about Heidi’s age. My folks are just eating it up.

I and the family made a trip across the country to celebrate my mom’s retirement! Tomorrow is her last day.

Here is a slideshow of the work the medical team did recently in Panama:
General Med saw 1150 patients
208 eye surgeries
5000 prescriptions filled
1500 reading glasses handed out

What do you non-techies know about encryption? There is something called steganography that allows encrypted data to be hidden in plain sight. This picture has a hidden message inside and the passkey is "steganography". Anyone want to take a crack at retrieving the message?

Very windy today to the point that it was hard to walk. Told someone to tie my machine down when they used it…they didn’t. I hope it is able to be repaired. If not, that mistake was as costly as wrecking a couple of trucks.

Why have there been no further attempts at the Biosphere project? It’s been almost 30 years. With people talking about space/Mars colonization and panic over climate change, it seems like a good idea to know how to live in a closed system. Maybe it’s just me, but when I start managing small things well, that momentum grows to larger projects. If we knew the minimum amount of resources required to keep people happy and healthy in a sustainable way, I think we could manage the world better.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!