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@mary and I made an inflatable snow den tonight and we’re expecting a couple feet of snow by tomorrow. Hopefully Edward will be in in one piece when we wake up! Heidi has no idea.

Prepared my first purple sweet potatoes this morning. They were quite delicious and I prefer smaller potatoes with more skin/volume ratio. There was an aftertaste/mouthfeel that I think I prefer to the regular orange ones.

Bingo Burger in Pueblo makes a pretty good plant-based burger!

I don’t normally watch stuff by myself, but tonight I’m on the road, watching this, and eating roughly a pound of pistachios. Mmm, sweet chili…

Animal Death 

I am so grateful for modern conveniences. I often think about how difficult it would be raising a kid with a disability without them. In times past folks would send their kids off to asylums and I can understand that choice, especially if they had lots of other kids to consider. Thankfully now, if Heidi makes a mess, I can just shower her off, throw some things in the washer, etc...Several of my blind friends have had their lives improved so much by technology. Use these amazing tools wisely!

I’m really liking the Reticulum Network Stack and some of the things that it makes possible. NomadNet is slick and Sideband is available for Android and iOS(TestFlight).
Send me a message if you want to connect.

One of my projects…maybe it’s better this way. Such a poorly run job. Glad we finished up our scope a while back and got paid.

@nbailey Your guide inspired me to set up a VOIP rotary phone, thanks! It's a fun conversation piece and I forgot how nice handsets are. The 4YO seems drawn to it as well. Can't wait to order a pizza with it later this week!

Anyone sit around and listen to audiobooks/shows with family and friends?

We’re getting snow and our first frost of the season. It’s time for the ritual blanket fort!

“Whatcha putting in the bucket boy?”
My dogs are weird. Not sure if they’re saving them from the cat or keeping them for themselves.

Watched Young Einstein with the kiddo this week and she keeps asking for it.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!