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Daniel boosted

Struggling to find proper mental health services for my adult autistic sister. Literally, the ER doesn't even know how to properly refer her to what she needs. Any suggestions for places in central NJ would be much appreciated. She is verbal but very closed off from people and it seems like most therapists don't know how to communicate with her. I definitely don't give my Mastodon instance enough love. It started out as just a test, but I've stuck with it. I logged in a while back to clear up some space because it had gotten up to 70GB and the uptime was over a year...

Daniel boosted

Here is a speech by Charles Hoskinson(founder) that can give a bit of an intro. He has a lot of good videos.

A lot of thought and hard work have been poured into the Cardano project, and I think a historic moment is coming up tomorrow with the advent of smart contracts on the network. Whatever the price does, that’s irrelevant. This technology can be a force for good in the world and shouldn’t be viewed as some get-rich-quick scheme. It is complex stuff, but a lot of things that we use every day are.

The fact that our creator gave us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a profound truth. Interestingly, the truth is that we cannot fully understand and exercise these rights without Him. Life is so hollow without true meaning, and liberty is a lie when we are confined to the prison of our own corrupt nature. The idea of finding happiness is just a joke without the former. God gives us these gifts, and the ability to enjoy them, through Jesus. He is the Good Shepherd.

@Berrybunchfamily The showers that were converted into a gas chamber, for extermination, at Auschwitz.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted


Please take this seriously

Now is NOT the time to be stupid

Think carefully, strategically.

It has come to my attention that someone didn't care for this post and that's OK. I don't think that the mandate and the Auschwitz showers are all that dissimilar. The showers weren't originally meant for extermination and they were actually beneficial. The bathing process was streamlined and the poor folks probably entered willingly, because who doesn't like being clean? Their government, who I'm sure they funded with taxes, treated them like cattle instead of free people, until one day...

I'm absolutely against vaccine mandates. It's terrible precedent that you are trying to set President Biden. Not legal and, more importantly, wrong. Nothing wrong with showers right? Don't be complicit in feeding a system that can oppress you and generations to come.

Am I... dumb? 

@MaryMamuzich Ah! When it rains it pours sometimes. Praying and thinking of you and your family. Keep us updated!

Ugh. Go find your fortune instead of being content to live off of someone else’s.

@Gina I wonder what shipping to the US would cost...

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