@SecondJon I’m in Castle Rock and I have to say it’s been nice missing some of the insanity.
@sinbach We had a bunch of AF cadets visit one of our construction sites today and I thought of you guys.
@tymektt She’s two for a few more months.
I have always wondered how some things can be such a good value. Take toilets for instance. You can get a pretty good one for under $300 and you probably won’t have to replace it in your lifetime. What else can you and others use multiple times a day for that long and claim that? One of the most annoying things that builders cut costs on too IMO.
@maleza I've been wondering about you, glad to hear you got some good news!
@rose_myrtle @atyh It's weird, but I've never really thought about it like that. It's true. I really think most people who patronize actually think they are being loving. On a similar note, I'm super hard on my wife when she makes a mistake. It's really no different than how I talk to myself when I screw up, but I'm trying to work on it. It is difficult, but maybe having gentleness is worth the price of some foolishness?
Sustain Sanity
TIL: the original version of the Serenity Prayer was very different, and much stronger! the modern version that everyone knows goes
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"
but the original version, as written by Reinhold Niebuhr, is
"Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other"
three key changes weakened it substantially:
* us -> me
* what *must* be altered -> what i *can* change
* switching the first two clauses, placing the emphasis on serene acceptance rather than reforming courage
@ned Didn't write it, but believed in it enough to save it by financing a second pilot after the first one tanked.
@Berrybunchfamily They are automated external defibrillators and are simple enough that a child can use one. Our church and most public places have them. When my parents move in with us next year, I am definitely getting one because we are pretty rural. My aunt died in September because her heart just stopped firing and it took too long for the paramedics to arrive.
@ajroach42 I wish you luck, I don’t know the details of your business, but making one work is hard and doesn’t happen overnight. If I was looking for a place to make things:
1) I would want to know that there were knowledgeable folks to learn from.
2) They could show and convince me of stepping-stone projects that would help me learn certain skills.
3) There was some kind of forum or means to help grow and maintain a community.
4) The business doesn’t appear too needy.
@Berrybunchfamily You guys own an AED? They’re kinda expensive, but I know of a few lives they have saved and many more that they might have.
@MaryMamuzich Too Long Didn’t Read
Marathon Training: