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Current conditions at Elbert Mountain, Monument Pass
Last updated Jan 01, 2022 - 09:15 PM EST / 2022.01.02 0215 UTC
Temperature: -4 F (-20 C)
Relative Humidity: 91%
Wind: from the WSW (240 degrees) at 3 MPH (3 KT)
Sky conditions: clear

@MisterRogersSnapped I always like grinding my own because I can see the quality of the beans. I'll find a good brand and, without fail, after a year or two the bean quality goes to crap. When bought ground, all you you can do is speculate and swear that perhaps it used to taste better.

@MaryMamuzich Probably, we were hanging out with some family, who tested positive, and the timing works out. Tests were out of stock and I wasn't going to wait 2.5 hours at a clinic. Mary got it from the same folks around Labor Day and I was fine, now she is fine. Heidi had a shared day of mild fever with Mary in September, but otherwise no symptoms. This is a weird bug.

Heidi had a great time and got a crack full of snow! I ended up being the sled dog, and after a week of probably Covid, that was hard! So much fun!

Current conditions at Elbert Mountain, Monument Pass
Last updated Jan 01, 2022 - 01:55 PM EST / 2022.01.01 1855 UTC
Temperature: 3 F (-16 C)
Relative Humidity: 84%
Wind: from the NW (320 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT)
Windchill: -13 F (-25 C)
Weather: haze
Sky conditions: overcast

Going to take Heidi sledding for the first time, might tie the sled to these pups!

There is no rest for the wicked, yet the virtuous have no pillows. Wouldn't have to be super fancy. Where do you keep your family pictures and videos, the cloud? You should ask yourself why all of these aren't living on your NAS at this point.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

Please keep my fellow Coloradans in your prayers. Thousands lost their homes yesterday in fires. Should be getting some snow in a few hours, which should help.

@neauoire I was wondering how you deal with data storage and protection while living aboard Pino. I haven't noticed the topic on your website, but your book(should arrive next week!) might address it. Cloud storage, a bunch of thumb drives with zfs? I have so much data that needs sorting/deleting and I was curious about your methods.

@MisterRogersSnapped Yeah, I'm going to have to listen to the whole album again now.

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