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Daniel boosted

This live performance was so on point. Still watching it almost 18 years later!

Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others -- "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"

Daniel boosted @matt It’s also sad how I could see myself walking past this guy. I pass a lot of homeless folks who are sleeping on the ground this time of year who have just enough clothing to survive and every year a few don’t. These folks are usually completely out of their mind, violent, and have been kicked out of shelters. Other than locking them up, I don’t know of a solution.

Daniel boosted

Fred Parris, who wrote this song while on night guard duty in the army, passed away on the 14th. Bet you know it.

@dheadshot You've got a good point and it's interesting to consider how actors who may have broken the system might go to great lengths to conceal that fact and maximize their hand. Since we've pretty much gone all digital with money anyways, we might as well embrace the system that gives the user the most freedom and power. I once had all of my assets frozen, without warning, by a state(that I didn't live in) department of revenue because of a clerical mistake. It was an eye opener as to how much power government and corporations had over me. A couple of keystrokes and my life was severely disrupted. I want to take as much of that power back as possible.

Daniel boosted

@alex Did you follow the MOSAiC expedition a couple of years ago? That looked super exciting.

Someone or something went into the lake and didn’t come out…

@ajroach42 Wait until you hear him in Nightmare Before Christmas

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