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@MaryMamuzich It really is amazing that we can build others up with just a few kind words.

@TwistedEagle Wow, this video really demonstrates the magnitude of his present cognitive decline.

Daniel boosted

I really should write up that whole "Computers used to be like stone towers constructed by wizards for specific purposes, and now they're mostly identical apartment blocks" piece that's been kicking around on my head for a while.

It's not a bitter or negative comparison, I'm not going all "things were better in the good old days", but ... I guess I'm trying to build a tower here, just to remember how it was done.

Maybe I'll allow visitors at some point.

26-inch thick armor from a Japanese Yamato class battleship, pierced by a US Navy 16-inch gun. The armor is on display at the US Navy Museum.

Daniel boosted

It's a snowy morning here in Denver, but you can join us online for worship!

The Goldeneye development team at Rare, back in the 90's, probably got more lawns mown than all of the landscaping marketing worldwide. If their faces look familiar it's because they used them for character skins. My brother and I were SO excited when we had finally saved up enough to buy an N64 console and this game. I'm not sure if my daughter's generation has anything quite like that to look back on.

Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted
Daniel boosted

russell brand outs the WEF
(he has 5 million+ subs, about half JRE has)
Watch "So They DO Run The World" on YouTube

@sejo I’ve been thinking about this more since @neauoire posted a paper about Cuneiform which mentioned Chifir. My gut keeps telling me that we could learn a great deal from nature in regards to data archiving and retrieval. Biology is robust. How does instinct work? How does a foal know how to walk/run in 2 hours? How does a spider know how to make a web, etc. Nature often sacrifices efficiency for robustness and gets the ratio just about right for longevity.

@mhjohnson Worked on that project and the other concourse expansions. Haven't been on B-East in about a year though. Wish it had happened on the west side instead. Turner is so terrible to work with and Holder ran the east side so much better.

Not sure if this song got out of Denver in 2005, but it still seems on point in 2022.

@alex Surnames are nice and all, but my contacts look something like this:
Jonas, Squirrely
Jonas, Super High
Jonas, Pilot
Jonas, Farted
Helps me remember and is probably how surnames came about anyways.

@ajroach42 My 10 YO niece seemed to pick up Google Sketchup 8 in a few minutes pretty easily. I think it can export Collada files, then Meshlab can convert to other formats like STL. We weren’t do anything related to 3D printing though.

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