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There is going to be a big push for Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDC’s) across the world in the near future. When the push comes, resist it as hard as you can, because it's basically the end of humanity as a free species if it's widely adopted. Opt for cash or cryptocurrencies. Imagine your bank offering to exchange your money to CBDC’s along with some perks…shoot that down immediately. Not just, “No”, but, “Hell no!”. Vote out any politician who suggests otherwise.

Yay! Starlink should be here within 2 weeks!
Just spent a few hours yesterday dealing with Xfinity. Can’t wait to cut them out.🤞

I watched John Oliver tonight, for a change, and he discussed the housing crisis. The Left sees material inequality as the great evil and is usually more interested in fighting that than tyranny. Tonight, however, Oliver was more in line with the Father in his thinking than some(myself included) Christians. God really does desire and mean that, "There need be no poor people among you" and "In that day each of you will invite your neighbor to sit under your vine and fig tree". The American Dream.

Daniel boosted

A close family friend that we used to sail with. His kids posted this today and it was too good not to share!

Daniel boosted

@atyh @aynish Yeah, it is such a large, terrible, all-encompassing thing that It almost seems like humans couldn't pull it off without some help.

Daniel boosted
Thinking about Julian Assange today, and the state of speaking Truth to power in the west.
The man has been held in a maximum security prison, with no charges, no trial, no rights, and no voice.
And his crime is exposing the war crimes and corruption of the U.S. government.
In a way, Julian Assange is the Security State taunting all of us, saying, "If you tell the truth about us, we will break the law to destroy you."
Im going to keep living my life, but Im not going to forget this.
Daniel boosted

@MaryMamuzich How are you and are you being affected by the floods?

Daniel boosted

Another tiny yacht I love:

Trekka, just 20 feet six inches long, designed by Englishman Laurent Giles (for 50 quid) and built at the back of a fish and chips shop in Victoria, British Columbia, by a then 23-year-old John Guzwell.

Between 1955 and 1959, Guzwell sailed Trekka around the world, then wrote a classic book about it.

Daniel boosted

@mary bought me a box of 5th Avenue bars as a surprise because she knows I love them and that they are nowhere to be found in Colorado these days. She even got them shipped to an Amazon locker that was supposedly inside and out of the heat. Sadly, locker was not inside and we got a bunch of non-refundable chocolate puddles. To our shock and delight, they reconstituted almost perfectly in the refrigerator!

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Daniel boosted
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Camp Duffel

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