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Daniel boosted

Jen, came in to see what incredible things the engineers and artists had come up with. Everyone was staring at a television set hooked up to a development box for the Sony Playstation. There, on the screen, against a single-color background, was a black triangle.

Cruising with the windows down on a cool summer night with the pups and jamming some good tunes.

@Sophistifunk Thought you meant to write Cialis for a second, then it got weird.

Fun with XMPP. Agh, OMEMO implementations don’t always work across clients. It has to do with the byte length of the initialization vector for AES which should be 12. A few folks use 16 and it throws a wrench in things. Old problem, but at least I know why now.

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us muck around and be glad in it!

@atyh It totally did! ZFS resilver to catch up, then errors. That is amazing! We get some serious solar radiation because a soda can from about the same time period looks like plain aluminum.

Found a USB stick that I dropped in my field around 4 years ago…no way it works after all the sun, rain, and snow?

@atyh True. This is at the Air Force Academy, but my place also has nice clay. Campfires have yielded ceramic afterwards and I really want to build a brick kiln and try my hand at Guastavino style tiles.

Not all scrap piles are equal. I hit the mother load today! Not scrapping these, but they might find their way into my house.

@atyh Yes, I wish I knew why the speed and power differences were so large. Some of the problem is lack of transparency in hardware? I’m against software as a service, but I would pay a subscription for devs writing and improving free software.

I just explained Tetris to one of our blind friends. That was interesting.

"GeoCities was not about self-promotion, it was about sharing your interest and your knowledge."
-David Bohnett

Daniel boosted

You know I really enjoy #solarpunk, right? I'm super excited to now be in contact with and can work with their flexible solar modules. So far I received some samples and OMG! Check out how cool they look!

Daniel boosted
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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!