@atyh You're giving me some Robinson Crusoe flashbacks with him taking a couple years to be able to make soup. Ceramic or glass would last the longest if it was sitting on a shelf, but I, or a kid, would probably break it by accident over the years, unless I was in a padded room...
@MisterRogersSnapped That's not a bad pick. There are pros and cons about every choice it seems. I would miss being able to throw it in the microwave and having the feeling of holding a hot cup on a cold day. I would have to have a model that's not a PITA to clean and I could scrub the bottom. Glass and ceramic are my favorites, but there's no way they would last a lifetime.
@MisterRogersSnapped The opus codec is lean enough that I’ve put audio on paper storage. The pdf is a lot larger than the audio itself.
@atyh Thomas Kinkade solarpunk, nice!
IPhone folks, you can change your phone screen to red at night. Go to accessibility shortcut and select color filters. Then go back to display/text size and turn on color filters. Tap it and select color tint. Scroll down and max out the intensity and hue. Now triple press the home button to toggle. You’re welcome night vision.
Cold fusion research hasn't died.
@mary was today years old when she learned that buttons on women's shirts are on the opposite side of men's shirts, lol. I know she's sewn a lot of buttons back on over the years.
@atyh I had heard of UUCP but didn't really know anything about it. NNCP looks confusing and complicated, but that is probably because I don't have any experience in this area of networking. Something like it will probably be how multiple things talk to each other in space.
The current state of the world brought back a memory I had almost forgotten from the recession. At the time I was building data centers all over the country and I was finishing punch on one near DC. That day the owners were having a tour. Most of the time these were tech folks and management, but this time was weird because there were lots of families with small children and pets.
@virtualwolf I’m convinced that proper food and lifestyle could solve about 90% of obesity, diabetes, and the myriad of other diseases that come with them.
Marathon Training: