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@MaryMamuzich 😂Just imagine if the internet was down, or if you lived in a place without it. This was like the Pony Express of internet. As the city buses drove by each other, the data got passed around.

Daniel boosted

@atyh They are coming and my gut tells me that most people will roll over and embrace them.

@KarlGessler "Honestly, I think the protesters convinced me abortion was wrong, more than like the pictures."

Who you gonna call? 

Daniel boosted

Found this list of Jesus' commands that I made years ago. Worth a read. Daily.

Heidi fell asleep at a weird angle and was snoring loudly enough that Mesa had to check on her😂

Nevermind, these aren’t even a full SATA drive enclosure. I liked the idea a rugged enclosure that could be popped in, these aren’t it.

@mrman I have heard similar suspicions by at least 3 family members in the medical field.

Anyone ever use RDX Quikstor? These SSD cartridges look perfect for backups.

Chuck is right. I bought a low-end Total Gym a few years ago at my local box store and I still love the thing. If it ever dies, I will strongly consider buying a better model. I appreciate a company that makes a good product.

I wonder how much electricity globally things like uBlock and NoScript save?

@Sophistifunk @ned I kinda liked his son in The Wallflowers though. Half Dylan works.

@calutron I was gifted an Instant Pot and it sat in a box for a couple years. Once I learned to use it, it became super handy. It makes great rice, fried too if you want. It is nice to be able to saute and cook with only one thing to clean. I'm a fan of cast iron too though.

I think most people rightly believe that we are living in a digital dark age where future generations won't really know what happened. That being said, we do have a say about it. With our current tool-set, good archiving practices, and a strong desire, we can share our lives with future generations in a way like never before. Sure, people could have always just written everything down, but now it is far more practical.

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