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We've had a bad stomach bug for the last few days(thanks preschool!), so when Heidi woke up crying a few minutes ago I figured she needed a change. Nope. When I went to check on her, she immediately asked for me to re-read a story from bedtime. OK, I was happy to do that!🙂 Fast asleep now and probably dreaming about Peppa Pig and her shiny apple.

Nice CNN. Reading an article on yesterday's night club shooting and I saw this gem.
"Colorado Springs, the state’s second-most populous city with just under 500,000 residents, is home to a number of military bases and is the headquarters for Focus on the Family, the conservative Christian group that says homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sins."

There is such a great hatred of the Church in this world.

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you."
John 15:18

@MaryMamuzich 😂Just imagine if the internet was down, or if you lived in a place without it. This was like the Pony Express of internet. As the city buses drove by each other, the data got passed around.

Daniel boosted

@atyh They are coming and my gut tells me that most people will roll over and embrace them.

@KarlGessler "Honestly, I think the protesters convinced me abortion was wrong, more than like the pictures."

Who you gonna call? 

Daniel boosted

Found this list of Jesus' commands that I made years ago. Worth a read. Daily.

Heidi fell asleep at a weird angle and was snoring loudly enough that Mesa had to check on her😂

Nevermind, these aren’t even a full SATA drive enclosure. I liked the idea a rugged enclosure that could be popped in, these aren’t it.

@mrman I have heard similar suspicions by at least 3 family members in the medical field.

Anyone ever use RDX Quikstor? These SSD cartridges look perfect for backups.

Chuck is right. I bought a low-end Total Gym a few years ago at my local box store and I still love the thing. If it ever dies, I will strongly consider buying a better model. I appreciate a company that makes a good product.

I wonder how much electricity globally things like uBlock and NoScript save?

@Sophistifunk @ned I kinda liked his son in The Wallflowers though. Half Dylan works.

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