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@atyh Something like that seems like the best way to avoid spam and make it sustainable. I can't imagine that the cost/user would be any more for a nostril server.

Just used nostr with nostr console and it was quite nice. Feels a lot like Usenet. The lightness of the protocol makes it pretty powerful, though I wonder how spam will play out. I don't really see the same benefits of running a relay like I do with a Mastodon instance. I kinda like the ownership aspect. Other than altruistic reasons, what motivation would someone have to pay for a nostr relay that everyone else takes advantage of?

Our world is so full of wonder and it is wrong to not stop and appreciate it from time to time. I just downloaded a few dozen books in a couple of seconds. Modern cookware, running water, clothing, etc...I am very grateful for these conveniences.

@fuzzi The first items look like quick release pins and the latter look like water spigot keys. I went to the solstice in 2018, definitely couldn't get that close.

Daniel boosted

Wandering around in my digital storage and stumbled into a folder containing ~170K midi files. A lot of them are pretty good!

My buddy Bruce started with my company this week back in 1977. He’s a sharp cowboy who could’ve retired years ago, but loves his work. He’ll probably hang on another year or two. Congratulations on 45 years!

We’ve been whining about these newfangled hard hats for a bit, but won’t be after this week. One of my friends and coworkers was involved in a serious accident on Tuesday when a tower crane somehow swung and caught a column form he was on top of. The whole 1000lb mess fell over on him and his body is badly broken. He is expected to make a full recovery, but that probably wouldn’t be true if he had an old hard hat on and fell the way he did 14’. They cost $500, but worth every penny.

I have a few hours to myself today. Getting some work done without distraction is amazing!

@Big_Diggity There's honestly just less messing around to get a working system with Mint and you can still customize it if desired. I use I3 a lot and enjoy Cool Retro Term. This box is connected to the living room TV and we all use it for everything. Most visitors think it's weird, but it works for us!

@tanjaostman That sounds tough! Where I live now is only a little higher in latitude from where I grew up and difference in sun is noticeable. Do you just hibernate?

@atyh Freedom and profit are directly proportional if you look beyond a financial quarter...I hope.

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Camp Duffel

We Do Camps!