@atyh It really amazes me that it took so long for sanitary water/waste removal to come around. More people probably have smart phones than clean water and toilets to this day! If I got to keep only one room in the house it would be the bathroom.
Well, I ended up watching this whole thing...
Such a cool race and I probably wouldn't even know about it if it wasn't for the movie Race the Sun.
@atyh Asbury was on my daughter’s short list of colleges for next year, maybe she should have chosen it 🙂
@atyh Is the shape of the wood exactly the same? If so, then it probably has to do with slight variations in the way they off-gas.
@Big_Diggity We always do the day after to avoid the restaurant rush and babysitter availability. Plus, things are like 50% off the next day! On leap years, she plans the evening.
I enjoy watching Clarkson's Farm. He could have just retired and relaxed, but instead decided to jump into something brand new to him. It seems pretty obvious that he just wants to create something good and pleasing to himself and share the journey with others. I have a hard time understanding the haters' point of view. He employs a lot of people, raises environmental awareness, tries to make a profit, and makes it entertaining. Endless bureaucracy. I wish I could say the USA was better.
So I thought I might have a GPU problem, but it turns out that it was just a bad stick of RAM!
@MarioERoc That sounds nice! Wish I had an annual trip, but 3 consecutive years is about the best I’ve managed. Lives and situations change so much that it requires a lot of discipline to keep up.
@eliotedits That was about the age I fell in love with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. There was a bit too much about sea biology, so maybe an abridged version would be best.
@TheCM So we shot it down, AFTER it did its thing and possibly sent the data off, but didn’t do it in a way that we could easily recover or study it. I guess that’s better than letting it float off and have whoever captures it control the narrative.
Just started reading Designing Your Perfect House: Lessons from an Architect and I think I’m going to like it. I’ve always had a deep love for architecture, but was always against approaching it formally until I had formed my own opinions firsthand. I kinda like observing buildings to see how they make me feel, then try to figure out why.
I'm not super excited about first person shooters, or gaming in general, but I had a fun thought. We could have something like a LAN party after work, (beer and pizza) with all of the levels being different buildings we've built in the past. We already have most of the models, but they're in Autodesk formats. I remember pulling some stuff into OpenSimulator once, but something like Red Eclipse would be better. Anyone done anything like this?
Marathon Training: