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@Big_Diggity I agree. Now that you mention it, I definitely have switched to Yeshua in prayer. Not sure when that happened. Jeeeesus seems pretty grating, maybe to Him as well. “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” It does seem weird to translate a name.

I have to admit that I really enjoy reading the Expanse books by James S. A. Corey. A lot of authors can be irritating at times or only good at certain kinds of stories, but Corey(a pen name for two guys) seems like he could write well in many genres. You care about the characters and many of the themes echo current events like good sci-fi ought to do.

Daniel boosted

Causality, even on a "simple" quantum level is impossible to wrap one's head around. When you think about God's sovereignty, predestination, prophecy, free will, etc, about the only right responses are, "Yes, these are real, and I am not able to understand them." and awe. I'm guilty in getting caught up in all of that puzzlement instead of just doing the Great Commission. @CharismaticBatman The Chosen is pretty good; we're in the 3rd season. I was reading in Mark this week about "The Good News must first be preached to all the nations." and thinking that perhaps there are nations and peoples that don't even exist yet in that list. We just don't know how many sheep Jesus has.

@swagpussc Mankind will figure out how to stop the negative effects of alcohol before they ever stop drinking it.

Daniel boosted
When government crafts an Internet regulation bill, more often than not, the bill shows how ignorant most politicians are about how the internet works.
This is not the case with Senate Bill 686.
If you read it, you will see that this bill is unlike anything weve seen before.
In the past, National Security included the preservation of Constitutional rights. That is going away. These people have one goal. Control. Your rights and freedoms are in the way.
This thing had to have been written by tech experts. Evil fascist tech experts. It is designed to obliterate all freedom on the internet. Specifically, and intentionally. That freedom is viewed as a "National Security threat".
These people are increasingly seeing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as a "threat to National Security". And we need to understand that when they say "National Security", they mean "ability to control EVERYTHING"
This bill places everything, and I do mean everything, under the jurisdiction of unelected, "boards" , "panels of experts", and intel agencies.
Defeating this bill is not enough. The people who created it need to be routed out.

@amerika I had a few classes there in High School. Most people don’t agree with this, but just go along anyways.

Daniel boosted

uspol, The RESTRICT Act is NOT A DRILL! call your reps! 

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