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Daniel boosted

JRR Tolkien wrote in an English rooted in the Britain of 100 years ago. For that reason we're starting to lose touch with the language used in the book.

This is a thread of words and references that I have noticed in my current read-through, which I think might easily be misunderstood.

Wouldn’t it be wild if Titan didn’t fail on its own, but rather was snagged by a squid or whale?

@McNige Rapeseed gets a lot of hate, but I like the cold-pressed stuff.

@dancinyogi Nothing fancy, but sometimes quick and convenient is good. We make Sloppy Faux Joes with Manwich, buns, and a simple tofu crumble that doesn’t have junk in it.

@rose_myrtle It’s good to think it through, really define what you want, and have a crystal clear picture in your head. Once you do that, the code might only take a weekend. You could also use some kind of task manager that works with your calendar to really break it down🤦‍♂️ Making your own tools to make tools lol.

Daniel boosted

@moffintosh I had a high school project where I interviewed several people in my hometown about living through the 1929 depression. The consensus was that it barely affected them. Being fairly rural, they were self sufficient to a much higher degree than we are now.

Got a book yesterday. I really don’t have time for this stuff, but it looks fun and is interesting and beautiful. I try to fill the library with things that might pique Heidi’s interest, should she ever stumble upon them.

@gwenbeads That obviously creates a cool visual effect, but does it also improve some functionality of the fabric?

Adelle and my mom having fun! Mom tried to convince Bunny, the old mule, that running was fun and that she had a chance!

I'm pretty sure @mary knows what bookmarks are, but hey, I downloaded the video for Heidi.😂

Just hearing about Bruce Willis having dementia. That stinks, I wouldn't wish brain disease on anyone. I noticed that he was taking a lot of B-movie roles in recent years and now it makes sense if he was trying to do what he loved while he could.

@parker Mine took a big hail stone and stopped working.😞 We watched that Crater movie a few weeks ago, and one of the kids was definitely giving me some River vibes. Pretty sure they did on purpose.

Daniel boosted

@mary and I were talking last night and we think there’s room for a Dread Pirate Roberts series.

Daniel boosted

New study:
Homeschooled students are the highest performing group across standardized tests. 🤓

Quantitative Insights into the Academic Outcomes of Homeschools from the Classic Learning Test

"Qué será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Qué será, será
What will be, will be"
-Doris Day

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